How Long To Run Water After Shut Off? [ANS: At Least 30 MINUTES]

Allow the COLD WATER to run for at least 30 minutes once all faucets have been opened. Additionally, flush each toilet in your house two or three times during this period.

If there is any old (stagnant) water in your service line or plumbing that may contain greater quantities of metals, like lead, running the COLD WATER should get rid of it.

Water shut-off is a problem that more people face than you might think.

Making repairs, putting in a new piece of hardware, or getting behind on bills can all be reasons you may have your water shut off.

Running water through the pipes is a good idea for anyone who has had their water shut off, especially if a significant amount of time has passed.

How Long To Run Water After Shut Off
How Long To Run Water After Shut Off

Over time, plumbing systems and pipes that are not running water can collect a build-up. This build-up can be a result of water sitting still and copper, lead, or sediment settling.

Running water through the system for at least 30 minutes can help clear the pipes. If you’re wondering how long to run water after a shut off, you’ve come to the right place.

How Long To Run Water After Shut Off?

Your pipes need to be cleaned for 30 minutes if your water supply was recently restored after being turned off.

Lead, copper, and other contaminants that are unsafe for consumption and cooking may be present in water that is lying still in pipes.

Whether or not the faucet has an aerator depends on the faucet.

The last faucet you opened on the top floor should have water running for thirty minutes, starting with the first one you opened, shut off each faucet.

Should I Leave Faucets Open After Shutting Off Water?

Yes, you should leave your faucets open after shutting off the water. Water can remain in pipes and faucets even after shutting off the water. Leaving them open will allow any residual water to drain from the pipes. 

Once the water is back on, it’s a good idea to run water through all faucets, hot and cold, to help clear any air or sediment build-up.

How Long Does It Take For Water To Come Back on After Paying The Bill?

Utility companies usually have a grace period before turning off your water, though this varies from company to company.

Some may give you a few months before turning off services. However, during difficult times you may be in a situation where the utility company has turned off your water.

The company will turn your water back on after you can pay your outstanding balance or work out a payment plan with the company. However, the water will not immediately run in your residence. 

Different companies have different processing times for payments. The utility company could take 24 to 48 hours to process payments and turn the water back on for your residence. 

Can I Get In Trouble For Turning My Water Back On?

So, your water has been shut off by the utility company. It is tempting to attempt to get around the system and turn it back on yourself.

Turning the water on without the proper permission is illegal.

The only legal way to have your water turned on is to pay your outstanding bills or set up a payment plan, and the water company will turn it back on to your residence. 

Turning your water back on yourself will result in fines from your town or county authorities.

These fines will be in addition to the outstanding charges from the utility company.

Your utilities will be locked, and the only way to receive running water will be to pay all past-due bills and fines. 

How Long Does It Take For Water Pressure To Return To Normal?

Loss of pressure or flow is common after you have closed and reopened the water valves in your home.

You will notice low water pressure flowing through your faucets or low water levels in toilets.

The time it will take for the water pressure to return can depend on the problem.

Assuming there is no major problem, here are some steps you can try to restore your water pressure to normal. 

  • Determine the cause of the low pressure.
  • Make sure all valves are open to the full extent.
  • Open all hot and cold water faucets and let the water run through the pipes, including all faucets like bathroom faucets, kitchen faucets, tubs, or showers.
  • Flush toilets while water is running through the faucets.
  • Start at the lowest place and turn all the faucets off.

There may be a bigger problem such as a clog or leak if you have tried to run the water and there is still low pressure.

Can The Water Company Turn Off My Water During Coronavirus?

COVID-19 created very difficult circumstances for everyone. In response to this crisis, states declared that utility companies couldn’t turn off utilities during this national emergency.

There was no nationwide mandate, so check your local regulations. If you are having trouble making payments, contact your utility company to work out a payment plan that is doable for you or your family. 

Unfortunately, most of the moratoriums against utility cut-offs have expired in states across the country.

This lift means that utility companies will be able to turn off the utilities of anyone who has missed payments.

There are many programs designed to help people who are unable to afford utilities. Check locally for programs specific to your area. 

Why Is My Water Pressure Low After Turning Off Main?

There can be many reasons your water pressure is low after turning off the main valve. Your main water valves could be partially or fully closed.

Check the main water valves to make sure both are completely open.

If the ball valve handle is turned to the flow inlet, it is open, but if it’s turned 90 degrees, it’s blocking the flow of water. 

You can also check your pressure regulator yourself. You may be able to twist it and adjust the pressure as needed.

However, if that does not work, you will need to replace it or have a professional find and fix the problem. 

Corroded or clogged plumbing can also cause your water pressure to remain low.

You can try flushing or replacing pipes that are unable to move water properly.

If you have a submersible pump, there is a chance that it could be clogged as well.

Frequently Asked Questions About How Long To Run Water After Shut Off

How do you turn water back on after it’s been shut off?

Therefore, the only option to have the water at your home turned back on is to settle your unpaid water bill. If you’re having trouble finding the money to do it, get in touch with your utility provider.

5 methods you can use to turn water back on after it’s been shut off

1. Turning Supply Valves On

  • Locate the supply shut-off valve near the appliance or fixture.
  • Turn the valve counterclockwise.
  • Avoid forcing the valve.

2. Switching on the Main Valve

  • Close all sinks and faucets.
  • Locate your shut-off valve.
  • Identify the water valve.
  • Turn the valve counterclockwise.

3. Turning Well Water Back On

  • Turn the upper valve at the water pump.
  • Locate the electrical switches.
  • Flip the switch on.
  • Wait for the pump to fill.

4. Notifying the Water Company

  • Contact the water company
  • Ask the water company to start service if you just moved.
  • Explain what the problem is if your water stopped unexpectedly.
  • Request permission to turn the main valve on yourself.

5. Dewinterizing a House

  • Turn off all faucets.
  • Turn on supply valves.
  • Check the pipes for visible damage.
  • Turn on the water at the main shut-off valve.
  • Check for leaks again.
  • Turn on faucets one by one.

How long should you let water run before drinking?

Before using the water for cooking or drinking, let it flow. Run the water for three to five minutes if your service line is made of lead.

Allow the water to run for 30 to 60 seconds if your home does not have a lead service line. Water may contain more lead the longer it has been lying in your pipes.

However, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) advises waiting at least 30 seconds before drinking tap water.

If a faucet hasn’t been used for more than six hours, the EPA advises running the cold water tap for 15 to 30 seconds to flush out the pipes.

Put your palm beneath the water coming from the tap and wait until it becomes visibly colder to see if you have drained out the water that had been sitting in the plumbing.

How long does it take for water to come back on?

For a gas tank water heater, it takes about 60–70 minutes while 120 minutes is required for an electric tank water heater.

Full pressure can be reached in a few of seconds. If you open all the taps, except for tank water heaters, flushing and recirculating just takes a few minutes.

These can take a half-hour to fill or flush, so the water shouldn’t be turned back on until you are certain there is water in the tank, which should be after approximately 10 minutes.

You’ll spend ten minutes simply moving around and closing all the faucets the kids had open. Don’t rush it, and you should have everything running with hot water by the end of the day in around 30 minutes.

How long does it take to get water out of pipes?

Turn on the water and let it run for about two minutes. Start with the lowest faucet in the home and work your way up.

This enables the system’s water pressure to push all of the air out of the pipes and through the faucets.

How do you properly turn your water back on?

Opening/turning on the main valve

  • Except for a tub or sink on the top floor of the house, turn off all faucets.
  • Turn on valves only partially; extra slowly for lever handles; halt after a half-turn on the wheel handle and a quarter-turn on the lever handle; while the water is still running, slowly shut off the highest open faucet.
  • When the noise stops and the water pressure equalizes, fully open the main valve. Bleed air from lines by gradually opening each faucet (hot and cold) until air stops flowing, closing each faucet, then repeating the operation on all faucets until all lines are clear.
  • Only after the water system is full and all air has been bled out should you turn the power on for electric water heaters and boilers. If gas was shut off, carefully follow the restarting instructions on the appliance’s jacket, or request assistance from a licensed plumber or your gas company.

What to do if water turns off?

if, after the time period specified on your water shut-off notice, your water supply is not restored.

  • In your home, turn on a faucet and listen for rushing air. Leave the faucet running if you hear rushing air. The water should soon begin to flow.
  • Examine your neighbors’ access to water. If not, crews might still be at work in the area.
  • Ensure that your home’s or building’s water main valve is turned back on. Consult your building manager if you reside in an apartment or multi-family building.

Why we should not drink water immediately after running?

If you drink water right away after working out, the quantity of fluid that builds up in your digestive system owing to poor gastrointestinal absorption prevents diaphragmatic activity, which affects breathing and delays the repayment when anaerobic motion is prolonged.


Check to make sure that it is clear. It should also be below the water level. If the pump is too high, it won’t get enough water to push through the pipes with good water pressure. 

Broken fixtures or leaks also lead to low water pressure. Isolate the issue to know what needs to be repaired or replaced. If you are unable to fix the problem yourself, consult a plumber. 

Final Thoughts on How Long To Run Water After Shut Off?

Most homes can clean their pipes correctly on their own by following these steps:

  • Take out all showerheads, screens, filters, and aerators (including those in basement laundry tubs) for cleaning or repair.
  • Find out if your basement has a water softener, and if it does, make sure to bypass it before flushing.
  • Find your water heater, and if you can, close the inlet valve.
  • After completing steps 1-3, start turning on the cold water in your home’s lowest level. Then start turning on the top levels’ cold water faucets. Continue doing this until EVERY faucet in your house is running simultaneously.


WHEN TO FLUSH Once water service has been restored (link)